
Showing posts from April 18, 2021

The Ladokites Agitations on JusticeForNifemi

"It's so much darker when a light goes out than it would have been if it had never shone." ~John Steinbeck Our napkin is still soaked in tears because our mind is grieved. Our hearts were tatteredly shot with the pain of death, the agony of the pain, and circumstances of negligence surrounding it.  On the evening of a Thursday, 22nd of April, the demise of Asefon Nifemi Bernard became evident. Sources explained that he had earlier fell into a latrine pit after switching electricity where he spent about 25minutes (another source claimed 45minutes) before being rescued. Sources expatiated that upon bringing him to the LTH, Ogbomoso, the medical practitioner claimed they couldn't attend to him unless the DSA presence is registered. 15minutes afterward was the DSA arrival on which the source claimed heard reporting the unavailability of oxygen gas. This unavailability of oxygen gas was not admitted by the hospital resident doctors, according to tweet. It was s