
Showing posts with the label 2022 Series

Light of a New Year

"When day comes, we step out of the shade, aflame and unafraid. The new dawn blooms as we free it. For there is always light if only we’re brave enough to see it, if only we’re brave enough to be it." ~Amanda Gorman Last year was indeed a great year that brought hope to reality and realization that we could actually earn it if we always want it. I found myself positioned at places I thought I've missed, I achieved things that I was on the last lap to give up on them. I thank God for the opportunities from last year, the several titles and offices I earned last year, the certifications I got last year, the books I read last year, the lessons I learnt and the people I met last year. Last year was beautiful! May this year be filled with more testimony and greater opportunities. This year, I will be focusing more on some things and building consistency. I hopefully will be reducing greatly the attention I pay to some unnecessary affairs and I will get more to building on my g